Preparing Employees and Offices for Winter Storms
Preparing Employees and Offices for Winter Storms

Preparing Employees and Offices for Winter Storms
In 2022, winter storms caused an estimated $6 billion in damages, marking the second-costliest year on record in the last decade. For businesses located in cold climates, preparing for future winter storms and reducing the likelihood of damage from them is key.
To help prepare your office and your employees for the potential of severe seasonal weather events, this winter preparation guide for businesses offers strategies.
1. Establish Communication Channels
When preparing your business for the possibility of extreme winter weather, it's important to have a reliable system in place to communicate details to your employees such as office closures, delays, and overall safety measures. You can use email, SMS, phone calls, or any other medium, but be sure that you are able to efficiently communicate with all of your employees in real-time in the event that winter weather causes disruptions.
2. Develop a Winter Weather Policy
Businesses located in cold climates will want to create a comprehensive winter weather policy that outlines the company's procedures for dealing with inclement weather. This policy should define expectations regarding attendance, remote work options, and safety protocols. Once you've created a winter weather policy for your business, make sure that your employees are aware of it and fully understand what is expected.
3. Create a Winter Emergency Kit
Winter storms can sometimes leave people stranded in their homes or places of work. To prepare for the possibility that you and your employees might have to spend an extended period of time in the office, it's a good idea to put together a winter emergency kit. This kit should include items such as bottled water, non-perishable food, blankets, flashlights, first aid kits, hand warmers, and any other items that will help keep you and your employees safe and comfortable while you ride out the storm.
4. Arrange for Snow and Ice Removal
Make arrangements ahead of time with a snow and ice removal service so that you can keep walkways, parking lots, and entrances of your business clear and safe. Having a professional team handle snow removal at your business will help minimize the risk of slips, trips, and falls.
5. Protect Your Office With Business Insurance
Winter storms can present safety hazards for employees, but they can also sometimes cause a lot of costly damage to office buildings. To ensure that your office location and any property inside of it remain protected against the potential for damage from winter storms, it is essential to purchase the correct business insurance policy. Depending on the policy, your business insurance may also reimburse your business for lost income caused by winter weather.
At National General, we help business owners protect their companies with affordable and comprehensive business insurance policies. To learn more about our industry-leading business insurance policies, we invite you to contact your local National General agent today!