Flood Preparation: How to Keep Your Car Safe From Damage
Flood Preparation: How to Keep Your Car Safe From Damage

Flood Preparation: How to Keep Your Car Safe From Damage
Most people think cars are virtually waterproof, but this isn't exactly the case. While it's true that vehicles can drive through pouring rains with no issue, extreme flooding can easily damage a car's electrical and mechanical components. Flood-damaged vehicles can be prone to many issues that are not immediately apparent.
Along with putting together a plan to protect your home and ensure everyone there stays safe, it's also essential to prepare your vehicle anytime there is the potential for flooding. With that said, here are four tips for keeping your car safe from flood damage according to advice from USA Today:
Move Your Car to Higher Ground The most effective way to prevent your car from being damaged by floodwaters is to ensure those waters never reach it. If you can move your car to a higher elevation anytime there is the potential for flooding, then flood damage to your car won't be a concern. Remember other precautions when storing your vehicle; the same storms that bring floods can also bring hail and high winds, so it's best to keep your vehicle in an elevated and covered location.
1. Floodproof Your Garage
Dry floodproofing is a great way to turn your garage into a haven for your vehicles designed to keep out floodwaters completely. This process involves using unique waterproofing compounds to seal off any areas of your garage that are below the structure's flood protection level. While floodproofing your garage isn't the simplest or cheapest way to keep your car safe from flood damage, it is a highly effective and convenient solution once the process is complete.
2. Put a Barrier Between Your Vehicle and the Floodwaters
If you don't have a floodproof garage and moving your car to a higher elevation isn't an option, there are still steps that you can take to keep water out of your vehicle. Waterproof car covers will offer some protection, but these covers are designed to protect cars from sea spray rather than heavy flooding. A better option is temporary flood barriers such as expandable dams or sandbags. Using these to form a barrier around your car will help keep out the majority of floodwater.
3. Make Sure You Have the Right Auto Insurance Policy
Sometimes, even your best efforts to protect your car from flood damage may need to catch up. In these instances, it is essential to have an auto insurance policy that covers flood damage. You'll need to ensure that your policy includes comprehensive coverage covering non-collision-related damages such as theft, vandalism, and flooding.
Contact your local National General agent today to learn more about protecting your car from flood damage with one of these industry-leading policies.